Tuesday, August 16, 2011

To an old knife seller man

You are one of people who inspire me.
You are with tools that you carry
in that big heavy, heavy bag.
not only here in Padang
you also carry that several time in my SMA and in front of my house

the old knife seller man
your spirit is so bright
i can see it

i can feel you spirit burn in your eyes
and your attitude still upholding Minangnese humbleness

the old knife seller man
you have inspired me subconsciously


Monday, August 15, 2011

cold fingers

Here is the stunning stuff,
Then the cold spread over my fingers
It should be resisted
No one no one
Then the burning heated hatred
And the ceiling lower down
And the thought coming

It shouldn’t have appear
And tangling mind sweep my tears

You can decide
It is not the final
You cannot make it do something
 coz it is not the final

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Here, i am preparing for my next battle in Manila, Philliphines
I'll join WUDC InshaAllah.

Honestly speaking, my English is not that good right now but i have to do hard for this. Perhaps, we can make a simple analogy. It is will also a hard thing for British to talk Bahasa, right? They have to fight hard to understand awalan and akhiran in Bahasa and to differ kami and kita as well. So, there is no reason to be shy to learn English more, right?

This midnight I open some pages of The Economist. I have intention to read them tomorrow. It seems to me that i have to write down my schedules. It is hard to run the day without clear planning. \

yet, the Dunya must be balance with Akhirat. I have to catch up some tilawah that i didn't finish yet and some others amal yaumi as well. May Allah gives me strength.

keep the spirit high
couse the dawn will come nex several hours

 Ayat to remind my self:

"And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah: and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper." Al-Quran surat Al Jumiu'ah ayat 10

in Bahasa:

"Apabila telah ditunaikan shalat, maka bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi; dan carilah karunia Allah dan ingatlah Allah banyak-banyak supaya kamu beruntung." Al-Quran surat Al Jumiu'ah ayat 10

Huda, Bukittinggi at 2.21 am
in Ramadhan 1432 H